Monday, October 5, 2009

Improv Everywhere... Invisible Dog Walk.

Improv Everywhere does the Invisible Dog Walk!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal: "

by Chris Bodenner

Dan Fejes applies Cheney's Law to the economic crisis:

[W]e are looking at near-double digit unemployment through the end of
next year, and the economic picture is generally pretty bad. [...] We should therefore create a program with a catchy name like Work Makes
Freedom to address it. The WMF’s could be involuntarily matched up with
employers, who for a nominal fee would provide permanent food and shelter in
exchange for labor. A classic win-win situation. Unemployment would plummet, GDP
would go up, and the economy would soar. Illegal immigration would all but end
by virtue of eliminating the economic incentive to come here, business costs
would go down and that would presumably redound to consumers in the form of
lower prices. It would, in a word, work. While reasonable people might disagree
on the morality of the WMF program, its effectiveness would be beyond

This outcome-focused approach to policy is perfectly in line with Antonin
Scalia’s recent
that the legal system is not ultimately concerned with actual
guilt or innocence. All that matters is that we have a well-defined, efficient
process that comes to a final, immutable conclusion.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Vanish: Self destructing Online Presence!

So, I just heard about this product called Vanish, which allows you to specify an expiration date for things you put on the web via Firefox extention!

The whole thing sounds really cool, and can be used for everything from Facebook to Gmail... and apparently they accomplish all this via some sort of encryption with a built in time expiration.

Check it out here:

Toyota brings us closer to the end of the world...

Toyota brings us one step closer to the end of the world with a running robot! It can only travel 7km/h, but once this baby gets up to speed you won't even be able to outrun them. I guess robots will take over the world!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Volcano Eruption from Space!

This is the Sarychev Volcano (Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) when it erupted on June 12 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Steven Farnell invites you to Vyoom

Hi Frizzlefry Web Watch,

Steven Farnell has invited you to Vyoom a network where social activity is rewarded. You will be rewarded for the things you already do such as connecting with friends, sharing files, posting hotspots, and making new friends.

Join Vyoom and earn 75,000 sign up bonus points! Clicking the following link:

Barack Obama Jib Jab Cartoon

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

The Panasonic Toughbook really is tough!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life in Biospere 2: really good talk!

Stop-motion post-it note video...

A call for opinion!

So, I want to know what everyone thinks of the Wikidot site I'm working on.  I want to know what you want to see on the site.  Right now, it's my super-spam RSS feed, which has all of my activity from Hulu, Netflix, Wakoopa, Twitter, and my blogs all in one place.

Design: E Squared: The San Francisco Federal Building

Last night I got home and I was watching Hulu, and I found this awesome show!  It's called Design: e2. I watched a few episodes that talked about the benefits to green affordable housing projects in New York, a school in Tibet, adaptive reuse of land in the Netherlands, making a city pedestrian and public transit friendly in Columbia, the San Francisco Federal Building, and the Architecture 2030 project.

(I chose to embed the Federal building because my cousin used to work there!)

Do you know what a browser is?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Split - Political Documentary on US pollitical parties

Smart power outlets? Awesome!

So, I have to admit that this video does kinda seem like it's just promoting a product, but it's a totally awesome idea!

If you aren't there to use power, you can turn your outlets off!

Anyway... just some food for thought.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life at the Googleplex in 200 seconds...

epic foo... talking about pirate bay.

I know, it's a BASF advertisement... but still kinda cool.

Energy Auditing, are you cool enough?

FYI: Your power company probably already offers free in-home energy audits. They come in, find out where the most drafty areas of your home are, then they help you try and fix the problem. All for no additional fee (because you probably are already paying your utility company for the audit.)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour! Take part, and help a little bit...

So, I have recently been talking alot about my own power usage over the past couple weeks, and here is your chance to do sometime!  Tomorrow March 28th from 9:30 - 10:30 PM (your local time) turn off all your lights!

This movement is getting bigger, and while it isn't enough to solve the problem of using too much power, it definately helps a little bit.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Go To!

Go to Whitehouse.govObama is hosting an experiment to try and get the American people involved in a nation wide town hall!

All you have to do is go to the site, vote on a few questions other people are asking, and maybe even propose a few questions of your own.

I think this is an awesome idea, and everyone needs to take part.

Thanks... and participate!

FYI, all of the hyperlinks go to this site.